5 SEINEN manga that you should READ (/ ‘з’)/ #5TOPS

*:・゚{manga recommendations yay}*:・゚
Hi guys, I hope my time-off on my blog hasn't been inconvenient for you haha.[readers: nop,who cares]*cries*😊😁😋 Well, in this short month, lots of things have happened. Lots of stress/sadness involved. Been struggling a lot in life but I'm trying to give my best and stay positive. And of course, giving my all to advance in my career. At least for now, I think that's what life is all about. The good things! haha, I FINALLY settled a computer in my room. It's an old hardware[expect the cpu], so I'm glad I put time to assemble all that craziness.

Anyways, that's my update haha. But of course, my blog is always on my mind. I loveo❤️💛 all of you who visit this random site xd. So, I've aligned the stars (ര̀ᴗര́)و ̑̑ to come up with these awesome SEINEN mangas (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و that I'm currently enjoying . So LET'S GO.

Yes, I just took it one more step ahead. Seinen haha.

mangaka: Roku Tachibana.
status: on going.-23 chapters-

Don't hate me for loving squishy love mangas, but this thing is beautiful ( ⁼̴̤̆ ළ̉ ⁼̴̤̆)و ̑̑. Surprisingly, I've read a manga with almost the same plot, but this one is at the same time different haha. We have our beautiful, intelligent Ira Megumi, #theboss of an area in a food-handling company. She's so level headed and serious, that it's hilarious to see the cute and odd part of her come out, as she wakes up in one of those terrible "next day"'s on the same bed with Aoki *o*, the newbie who has just arrived at the company. This is so sweet and the art is so amazing that I couldn't help myself to dive into this story.  The 4-koma comic-style caught me by surprise, but change is good. So I adjusted. 

When is my Aoki-kun  going to arrive?!, I think I'm gaining virginity points by always reading mangas of 30 year old virgins. 😛😁#destinyihopethat'snotyouwhoiswarningme. lol

mangaka: Jun Mayuzuki.
status: on going.-56 chapters-
genre:comedy,romance,drama,slice of life.

This manga makes me sad overall. Rather, I love the sad undertones of this creation. The way the art immerses the reader into the world of Akira Tachibana is something I envy and admire with my whole heart. It's the depiction of beautiful. I knew from the moment I read its argument that I'll become hooked on the story. And I did. No wonders, that this manga has its own anime and live-action -which sadly I haven't watched yet.- but it's refreshing and with a lot catharsis involved for me. Simply loved it. Stopped dreams, adulthood, low self-esteem, the feeling of never chasing your dreams, of seeing someone else get what you've always wanted, love,family, angst, anxiety. This manga covers it all. Just souls trying to be understood and maybe loved?.


Pure love for this art.

mangaka: Aki Eda.
status: completed!.-36 chapters-
genre:comedy,romance,drama,slice of life.

Finding people,getting to know them,fall in love. Life work like this. But, it's not that magical, sometimes we have to take the big leap, make an effort to succeed in love. This manga is not really great in most aspects, but it's short and sweet. The story is really cute, and I love the guy! He's sweet,shy-almost reclusive- boy on his world. The thing is, we change for love. Sometimes for the good or the bad. But that's what makes it worthwhile, because we keep evolving and finding parts of ourselves. The romance felt sometimes like real life-flashbacks haha. *warning* there are some scenes that maybe sensitive for young readers.

If you want a cute story about a relationship, here you go:)

mangaka: Kore Yamazaki.
status: completed!.-14 chapters-
genre:comedy,romance,drama,slice of life.

Okay, I'm sorry for recommending mangas with a big age-gap between protagonists-again lol- but it's the fault of the mangakas for creating such amazing stories!. Have you heard of Kore Yamazaki? Yes. The amazing artist and creator who is the mvp of "The Ancient Magus Bride" -that's such a compelling story too-. Anyways😃. Here she goes again, but in one of her earlier works. Which doesn't disappoint. Although I felt the passing a little abrupt(maybe because of the amount of chapters), the story is simply beautiful and the art is neat.

Kanako and Akio met each other thanks to their love of reading, in Kanako's bookstore. They somehow feel instantly connected to each other and decide to be together for a long time-despite their age difference-. This will make a big impact in their lives, as the open up, try to communicate their old wounds, and grow as persons and lovers. This gives away a view of love as a synonym -in this story- of hope, redemption and the feel of being home. As the song says, we all need someone to lean on.ຽ

So hold tight on the person that understands you -or tries hard to- and despite all gives their support and love you.

im so cheesy.

mangaka: Jiro Taniguchi.
status: completed!.-14 chapters-
genre:slice of life.


I'm suggesting you to read the oldies (۶ꈨຶꎁꈨຶ )۶. A 1995 work of art.  I don't know why I decided to go for this manga, I just found it odd. A man with a dog on the cover and 14 chapters. And after reading it, I came to the conclusion that: It's odd. 😉😁😊 in truth, i didn't understand it at first, but then all of the chapters made an impact on me, a glimpse of the appreciation must of us don't notice on regular life. We don't notice most of things, how we breath, how the nature says goodbye and says hello, because we live in this vain world. Although short, the essence is really deep, so I suggest you to look at it like that. And Breathe and Observe with the "walking man".

Well. That's it. I really hope you enjoy these readings. <3 I love you all. Greetings to all the readers from around the world!*o*

With onigiri love,

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Karla Aguilera Moreno. Con la tecnología de Blogger.

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