5 embarrassing things that 've happened to me.

yep. i've thought about this topic for a while. Usually, you meet people with a few embarrassing moments(lol) but i will put that thought to test. (my life itself is an embarrassing moment haha). So here it is. My most beloved moments in planet earth. Yes, Einstein discovered E=mc^2, Newton the law of gravity... me; a bunch of #swallowmeearth moments. Enjoy k. *if you are reading this 10 years later to feel better about yourself, i salute you*


High School, a place for discovery. Not only for all the knowledge of the different areas that it's hammered into your head in a few years, but also for you, as a human being. (so dramatic). In my sophomore year, all of my classmates and I went to a trip. The resort was this isolated place, and to say the least, it was awkward to be in a bathing suit in front of all my ·buddies·. 

In the midst of having fun while playing ball on the ·ocean!?· haha, a big wave came up... of course it got me. All my bathing suit was down, and my boobies out in the open for everyone to see( 〇□〇). To my further embarrassment, a big freaking snot came out from one of my nostrils, like wtf!. I can say that all my  hs classmates know how my breasts look like. oh well. 

feel better 

( ⚆ _ ⚆ ) 

How to traumatize your childhood all by yourself? 

Just follow these steps:
1. Always be good friends with boyz instead of girlz.
2. FALL in love with your bestie(boy).
3. Yell to the whole neighborhood that you will marry him. 

Srsly what was wrong with me when I was five? I had two best friends(who were boyz) Panchito&Chilfrido -made up names-. We hung out together all the time in my kindergarden "La Casita de Pinocho"(pinocho's house)- sadly, this is not a made up name lol xd- Until one day, at the end of class, the two boys were fighting over me xD. Both of them yelling: I'M GOING TO MARRY KARLA. My nanna came to pick me up, and whilst watching, my voice yelled : I'M GOING TO MARRY CHILFRIDO.

Sadly, everyone of course listened (poor Panchito). and my whole family made such a big deal about it. Years later, that moment brought laughs and smiles to my tíos,tías and cousins. When I was 15, my mom told me that Chilfrido later on invited me several times to eat ice cream together (((φ(◎ロ◎;)φ))), but she kept all the letters (he left letters to invite me to eat ice-cream), and I never went because I never knew. x: ·evil·
Wilfrido was my aunt's nephew, so I met him multiples time while we were growing up, but we never interacted again as friends :(. Maybe because I was deeply embarrassed lol.

oops. that's all i've got to say lol. In my life, I've been to the ER twice. The first one because I had bronchopneumonia(I was like 12), the second one because I had gallstones  #tragic haha.  In the first visit, I was in the hospital for a week and it was really boring. On the last couple of days, ALL my family visited me lol -and even some of my boy-friends-. And because of all the medicine, I was rrlly gassy *excuses*. So it was a small room, everyone was in there, and in a moment of silence, my gas was the only thing everyone heard. 
( ⁼̴̤̆ ළ̉ ⁼̴̤̆)و ̑̑

It was rlly awkward but all of them laughed it off, while i wanted to disappear lol

yep. We were learning about "The Metamorphosis", Franz Kafka's book. So we did a play about it. And of course me being me, I decided to take the stellar?! role of the cockroach ╭( ・ㅂ・)و. I tried to put an all brown costume and for the  antennas, I put on a headband with two sticksxd.

So, because I had to transform into a human and then to a cockroach multiple times, my headband got stuck on my hair ╭( ・ㅂ・)و ̑̑ ". My first love was watching the play (ര̀ᴗര́)و ̑̑. And my hair ended up  like this ;

The play for me then started to be a fight between the headband and me. As I was transforming into a human, my headband just stuck on my hair while my appearance looked c r a z y.

Remembering this, brings so much laughs from me. glad it happened XD.

i'm 20😉, and the only guys who i've profoundly love are like 2.
all my experiences with those guys, are extremely embarrassing so..

Hope you like this post guys💜💙, my intention is that don't get stuck in your flaws or embarrassing moments. Just laugh it off, because that's life. They will happen in a moment, so don't let them caught you off guard. Just breath and let them pass. Right now all those moments bring me several laughs so I'm kind of glad they happened. but pls me{stop being so embarrasing} haha.

Right now I'm going to start my midterms, so wish me good luck in your hearts. Wish you love and warm hugs in this month!.

Wherever life takes me,

4 comentarios:

  1. HAHAHAHAHA, that's waaay out of normal child.

    If it makes u feel better, when I was 8, I decided to leave a letter to my first love, I wanted to cross it down the door; just when I slip it right in, she was gettin' out her house... That situation was... well, traumatizing, we were really close friends, but ever since then, she started to avoid me, and that's how I ruin my posibility w/ her all by myself

    1. oh the love stories when you're a child are the best! haha, thank you for sharing your memory with me! I find it so sweet though, it's nice that you had the courage to write the letter! no matter the result haha... who knows? life's strange, maybe you will see her again someday!.

      Love, koralita<3.
      ps. i'm glad i brought laughs from u with my embarrassing memories xD

  2. Me sorprende que siendo tú, solo tengas esas 5 cosas x'D


Karla Aguilera Moreno. Con la tecnología de Blogger.

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