¡Hola!, Hello, Konichiwa, Annyeong, Bonjour.
You know? Josei manga is one of those genres that sometimes can be very exhausting, i mean who would know that 20, 30 year olds would still love manga and need a demographic? lmao (srsly why wouldn't we love manga and anime like it's the greatest invention since the printing press), pls do more. I have a theory. These demographic was made for me. 
"A sad adult"
*:・゚Josei manga usually involves a 29 soon to be a 30 year old woman (i would really like to read one with a male protag lol) who's not married, and is soon to be suicidal by that fact. Honestly i didn't understand it at first, my shoujo days, oh lovely days(✿ ♥‿♥) but now that i'm 21, i'm like shoot, i'm nowhere near to be married or in a relationship, so the social pressure that is all in my head has begun  ༼♥ل͜♥༽.  

Being an adult sucks and is cool in a lot of ways, but sometimes i don't want to face reality so i start reading a bunch of josei to feel better ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ. Either if you feel sad, happy, pressured, stressed, mangas take us in a whole different world, it's an expression of art that I deeply adore. So here's 5 josei mangas that i've enjoyed a lot. ლↂ‿‿ↂლ
pls enjoy them with me

warning: almost all of them are adult manga, meaning they content soft sex scenes so if you're not 18... well... shoujo is awesome too.

mangaka: Enjouji Maki.
status: on going.-9(trans eng, 28 trans spanish)
link (eng)

hello there, i read this manga a while ago, i thought it was a one shot, loosely based manga, but it was not. I'm in love with this manga, because at some time I was in loveᕦ⊙෴⊙ᕤwith medical dramas/stuff, so this thing came up. It's funny at times, and I love the combos our main protag always involved themselves into. I am thrilled on how the main point first revolved in Nanase's confession to her savior, doctor Kairi, which she admires and the reason why she got into nursing school, and how all of that goes downhill -in a good way lol-, making our leads develop those unwavering feelings of love<3<3.

If you enjoy tsunderes,age gap relationships, and a ton of medical situations, this is your choice!.

if u wish that i translate from chapter 9, pls say "ay" in the comments



mangaka: Yokoyama Mayumi.
status: finalized(10 chapters)

man, i rlly love this manga, i wish it was longer. ( ◉◞౪◟◉) I adore the main bish, the main male lead. He made me laugh a lot, and be happy for a while. Their relationship was really cute and funny, sometimes it was unique haha. My only problem is that the manga is sooo short and there are a few things that are left to the readers imagination, like sometimes i felt that he was kind of weird with her, like a little bit obsessed in a very low key way. but idk pls read it and tell me if u think the same ;´༎ຶਊ ༎ຶ`;. The ending got me like THAT WAS IT?, but it's worth it(pls suffer with me). I loved Iroha(yes she was 29 too), haha but I liked how she tried to maintain the facade, that we always fight to keep in relationships. It was endearing and a bit funny.

link(english) didn't find one, I WILL TRANSLATE FOR U haha

mangaka: Miyazono Izumi.
status: finalized(44)

this manga is about a relationship of two very different people. Since the start of their relationship is very clear that they both have different goals, but oh the angst, too bad they love each other 
( ༎ຶŎ༎ຶ ). This was the most complete of all, maybe because the series itself is finalized. I admire both characters, they're both very pro and committed in what they do for a living. Nanami , with a previous scandal, ready to succeed in his career, and Azuka who's super intelligent, works in finance and excels at her work. The new thing for me, was that moment when the two mains fight with each other, in most mangas, the mangakas make it seem that it's now or never, do what you gotta do in this moment or all is over. That's generally, far from reality, because we're always under schedule. I enjoyed how both knew that work is substantial on their lifes, and is a take on a manga that i've never seen before yay.(like this).

jelly moments, crucial moments, growth, and love... this manga was for me.(ლ ^ิ౪^ิ)ლ
(realized there's a pretty famous live drama about it) hehe=p

mangaka: Watanabe Shiho.
status: finalized(39)

i still not finish this manga, so this will need an update. anyways, so far i'm hooked, it's about these two people that are too perfect. I'm okay person, y'know, ok looking,ok intelligence, but there are some people that are BEAUTIFUL, like how is she even here?, a born Einstein, how does he exist? and such. Well, this is the case of these two haha. A match made in heaven. In this relationship, they're so used to being admired that when they end up together, are confused onto the "lack" of attention the other end is receiving. Plus as it's an arranged marriage, this is all a fight of will into who's going to fall first haha. I like this type of angst too (╬゚◥益◤゚) wait for me to finish i too.

link(english, 29 chapters)


mangaka: Watanabe Shiho.
status: on going(7)

it's the same mangaka, i think you can tell by the drawing, and i'm kind of scared 'cause i realize that she likes certain character design to be the lead... so in this manga the lead is pretty clear now. haha. anyways, this is a really amusing story. We have this teacher that is nicknamed as kuroko, who are these completely black dressed people which in theaters are used to be in the back, without calling anyone's attention. Due to certain awful experiences in the love department, she changed completely her persona, turning to be a very closed person when it comes to love, only watching from afar. That's changed when she's encountered with her past lover and a mischievous two sided perfect student who's interested in her antics.

age difference manga, which is fine, but there's a situation of age difference of dif characters that i not tolerate it's awful for me. lol

still a nice manga

mangaka: Karen.
status: on going(3 t_t)


this manga is GOLD, it's a bit on the side of smut, as you can see the suggestive cover hahahahahaha. BUT IT'S GOLD. hahah, we have this pretty dark teacher, very uptight, typical- that most of students dislike, are afraid of.-But turns out she's really weird...( ´థ,_‥థ`) as she's completely obsessed with the school doctor, what will happen when he finds out? HOW odd can she get? (sometimes it's disturbing so warning haha). this is such a lightweight funny story to me ༼▃ Ĺ̯ ▃༽, don't judge me.

This is the end of this list,but not the last one hehe. Sorry if there's no english scans for some, if you would like me to translate some of them , comment and I will!. Thankfully, the spanish links are all enabled. Most of this is from my favorite scanlation team, Scarlett Fan sub. I will soon do a post of all the marvelous people behind translation, so you can check all of them too!.  I really hope you enjoy the list as much as me, and comment your thoughts!. I love josei romance manga, so I hope you loved this too (╬゚◥益◤゚)( and saved you a lot of time too?). Let's be sad adults together, there's no shame on it, or happy, or scared or stressed too! haha.

Seriously wishing you all the best in your lifes,

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