*:・゚lookbook: zezé*:・゚

L O O K  B  O O K


so finally a shot of me... yay

*:・゚*:・゚                                                     *:・゚*:・゚                                                              *:・゚*:・゚  

Hi Guys and Girls! It's me again with a fashion post nobody asked me for lol. Well, turns out we (my sister and I) really like to match up our clothing and go out with what we have on our closet. So today, in this lookbook post I'm going to talk about: buy for today and later.

You must be wondering: "What does she mean?"  DON'T WORRY. We will get to the point somehow.

Before starting, I want so say hello to all the people from Russia,TheStates,Eslovaquia,Ecuador and Latinoamérica that reads me when I post something. U are so nice and beautiful.

                 *:・゚*:・゚                                                              *:・゚*:・゚ 

So, let's start with this very dramatic picture of myself haha.

* As I've countlessly stated, when I search for clothes, of course I would like the fabric to be kind of good,so the actual buy is not a loss. That's all. But if the price is too high, then that's completely ridiculous for me. I mean, if you have the money to spend it, then well help the economy and all the people that produce that piece of clothes (if they actually remunerate to the workers fairly) that's okay. But in my case, I don't see the necesity for it. So I go for nice product + durability.

What this means is...
When you are in the quest of  nice clothes with a budget. Find clothes that you can use in a thousand different ways. Go for the easy colors like: black and white haha xd. So as you can see in my lookbook's, I often show the same piece of clothing but combined in a attractive way. Maybe to go to a party, to a cafe, to college etc.

Buy for today and for later!

Meaning to, buy clothes that you can use lots of time and that don't stay put in your closet😉, abandoned without use t_t.

An Example is this black body:

I bought this one in the States for like $5-$7. (really)
You have the option to make so many different looks with it, at such a low price and it's beautiful.

Then, I decided to match it up with these boots(that i've shown in the other lookbooks also) and high knee-socks for fun🎆🎆. I complement the look with a high-school type skirt, and that's it. Clothes should never be an indicador of status, or power (brands are one of the dumbest thing in the world)(we are controlled by vanity) but it should represent creativity and your personality.

Also the craftsmen who made these clothes, should also be more considered  in terms of working for so many hours straight, terrible conditions and low payment. What an unfair world we live in (nothing new).

Stand tall even at the worst times and besides everything,love yourself. If this is a way to be considerate to yourself or you are into this, you can do it too! copy the look! create your own!


That's it imaginers, don't feel discouraged by anything. Look at your closet,be thoughtful, buy smartly when you can and be creative.🔥🎆 
*bts won a bbma!! jk voice #ohmaigad.*
With onigiri love,

2 comentarios:

Karla Aguilera Moreno. Con la tecnología de Blogger.

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