*:・゚lookbook: picnick*:・゚



>thanks paint e.e<
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Well, it's me again with another lookbook that nobody asked me for lol. My sister very kindly let me take pictures of her. About the outfit, it's a thing we decide before going out. In today's lookbook, I'm going to talk about the need to look good.

Usually in my country, they link looking somewhat different and presentable, with being too crazy or that you're the representation of vanity itself.

There has been many moments, when I stop and think about: Well, if I don't try to look nice, then I feel miserable. But, when I do make the effort to be adventurous and try different things with my clothes, I feel like everybody's saying;

Well, that's just too much. 
The worst part is: that's exactly what they are saying.
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But that's because they have the wrong idea⏃. Of course, I decided that I like to look good because that makes me feel good, that changes my mood😳. But as I stated on my other post, you don't have to live in a penthouse, have four cars and one private airplane, to get the right 👁. It's all about your instinct, clothes that fits well and imagination 🌥.

We now have the style #2, with the same transparent black blouse.  
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In this case; we used:

Trust me when I say, that most of these stuff weren't that expensive, and you can look for the same look in stores with even smaller prices. If you like to save up money, but still try to approach fashion, this could be your choice. As we showed you in this post, you can re-use the clothes you have in your closet, and create different kind of looks.

                                                               *:・゚*:・゚  *:・゚*:・゚
That's it, hope you go out with a nice outfit planned just by you today😎, and don't be ashamed to wear what you like!(self-advice hehe). Than you for taking your time, I have a lots of videos and posts planned but not the time, as school is really sending a lot of hw.Anyways, I will update as soon as I can, just like today that's it's almost 2 am loool.

                                          With onigiri love,

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