6 BTS Twitter Accounts you should follow ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ)

*:・゚merry december;*:・゚
This is my first post in english, as I'd like to also make posts in this language{as trans are not as good as I thought}. So if you're a spanish-speaker 😃,you can always hit that translate feature on my blog's gadgets ╮(─▽─)╭

As you may know, I love Bangtan Boys. If you want to check out why, you can go back to this post lol. If you are in any fandom or have any idols, you will know that fans-in this case army's-  are hilarious. They contribute to the group success,in not just buying or supporting their music, but in the way they always talk about them, specially in social media. So that's why, I decided to make this list of six BTS fans accounts that I check out daily to laugh for 10 minutes straight.
warning: bangtan is weird, that means their fans are weirder.
e   n    j   o   y !

Joined: November 2015
This account................... no words, My belly was in so much pain after trying to finish all their feed. Truly the most creative, funniest account.


Joined: July 2016.

The irony in this account lol. If you are an army, you know bts is full with ??? moments, sometimes they make you laugh or just feel like you are too-normal lol. So this account takes all the moments when BTS are just a bundle of weird-happy-too-much-for-human-reasoning beings. Defintly one of my favorites.


Joined: September 2016.
What I liked most about this account is their imagination(really), I love how they come up with so many hilarious jokes.  I respect you lol, and thank you for all the sincere laughs and remarks about bts members.


Joined: September 2015
This account is just straight up hilarious. You can spend a few hours just checking all their feed. This is the first account that I followed, because of all the youtube videos with the same name, and it does not dissapoint.


Joined: June 2015

I've followed this account for a while, and it's truly one of the best out there. As their name states, they take out post on tumblr (that are truly hilarious) and share it with us on twitter. They're truly great and I'm always looking forward for more.


Joined: June 2015.

I mean, if you are in the fandom, you have to check all the "relatable accounts", they are so funny, but I chose Jin's & Rapmon/Suga as my favorite. Even though, they all are on point. It takes a special form of humor. When bts and you don't seem too far apart, united by the simple way of living life.{deep}

*:・゚twitter jin*:・゚

*:・゚Personal favorite*:・゚
hilarious af, seriously check her out.

Did you like the list? Which acc are missing?😃
Well, that's it. I hope you like this list and follow the accounts mentioned. And it's perfect if you're just starting to like bts and you are trying to know them better. Special thanks to all these armys who put effort to make all of us smile and laugh. Life sometimes is shitty, but you also make the world brighter. Thanks{cheesy omg}

honorable mentions: 
all the lowquality, pics, fashionbts, btsasmemes.

1 comentarios:

  1. Hi Gevens!,
    That's amazing to know, I'm glad there are those kinds of opportunities to people in the Internet all over the world. It's crazy and inviting to join. Will look more into it from now!, Thank you for your words and advice overall.


Karla Aguilera Moreno. Con la tecnología de Blogger.

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